Enon women's ministry (EWM)

EWM is a women’s ministry and an adult/student mission awareness ministry for the churches in the Enon Association.

Vision: to draw hearts closer to God and His plan for their lives.

Mission: to host Associational Christian events that provides opportunity for personal spiritual growth and ministry.



  • ewm:onecupmissions - bringing Christ to our community, state, nation and world through missions: equipping, encouraging, investing, sending, going, praying and supporting.
  • ewm:ministrywomen -  to encourage ministry wives as they serve alongside their husbands and women on church ministry staff.
  • ewm:gatHER- an event to equip women in their daily walk with God and to minister to others.
  • ewm:kaleo - answering "the call" to serve others as the Lord guides in active practical ways.
  • Food Resource Center – serve one day every other month from 9:30am-2:00pm.
  • BCM Luncheon – host a BCM luncheon each semester at the University Center.
  • ewm:retreat - host a cabin at the Oklahoma Baptist Women's Spring Retreat at Falls Creek